Children's Books
Riley's Heart Machine
Illustrations by Julie Hammond
Riley has a heart defect and a pacemaker, but fears if her friends find out, they won't like her anymore. She doesn't want to be different. She tackles her fears and shares her story in a unique way. This story will give all kids the courage to embrace what makes them special!
Riley's Heart Machine was the 2023 winner of the Baby Hearts Press People's Choice Award!
2nd Edition is available with
DISCUSSION GUIDE & Heart lesson!

(For answer to snail question in Discussion Guide, see Home Lesson & Video page!)
Confetti the Croc
Illustrations by Andy Scott
Confetti the Croc is shunned by the other animals because he's just too colorful! But when his new friendship with a unique monkey causes a scene, the other animals take notice and want to join in on the fun. Confetti shows them all how to love their special traits, making the bog a friendlier place! Children will enjoy the bright and colorful characters while learning to embrace what makes them special and how to be a good friend to others! Includes a page of questions for discussion.